
When life gets in the way...

I know. I'm a neglectful heifer. Unfortunately I've been working really long hours and have had next to no time for creativity. Sound familiar? Here are some updates for anybody who cares:

1- I've been thinking about wearing a crystal around my neck.
In my hippie days I used to wear a purple one. It's very earth mother and kumbaya, but something about it appeals to me. I know...WHAT?! I dunno, it's just how I feel, there's no explanation.
2- I started blogging for the style section of the Huffington Post. You can see my profile HERE. As of now, the posts that I've put up there are ones that have already been on this blog. Since I have no time to write new ones, I figured I'd catch the rest of the world up with my already wise SND readers.
3- I put leopard print silk squares on my wall, and I'm consequently having a leopard print obsession. It might end soon, or it might be here for a long time...I'm not gonna lie though, the thought of getting a leopard spots tattoo did cross my mind. Oh and yes, I just ordered business cards with leopard print on them. Yikes.
4- I'm going to a wedding in August and I've been trying to find a dress for a few months. I ended up settling for one I found at H&M (first time I had shopped there in maybe a year), but then this past weekend I went to Salvation Army and found a lovely red vintage dress for $12. It was designed for my body, like literally sewn onto it:
This photo isn't close enough to see, but the way it wraps, the buttons, the belt...all perfectly detailed. I'm kind of stressing about the shoes. For some reason I can't get over the idea of black patent peep-toes:
I've gotta stop. I don't need new shoes. Yes I do...no I...YES I DO. Sigh.

So that's where we stand. This movie I'm working on is over at the end of August, so I anticipate the posting to get more regular and frequent at that point. I know you're waiting with baited breath...


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